Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ An Aussie Year: Twelve months in the life of Australian kids (A Kids' Year) by Tania McCartney

An Aussie Year: Twelve months in the life of Australian kids (A Kids' Year) by Tania McCartney

An Aussie Year: Twelve months in the life of Australian kids (A Kids' Year)

An Aussie Year: Twelve months in the life of Australian kids (A Kids' Year) by Tania McCartney PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Meet Ned, Lily, Zoe, Kirra and Matilda -- Australian children representing a multicultural blend of culture and race that typifies our beautiful country. They are taking you through a year in the life of Australian kids, from celebrations to traditions to events, to our everyday way of life. They are Australia. 'An Aussie Year' is a picture book bursting with national pride. It is a snapshot of who we are as a nation, and covers our modern day culture, lifestyle and traditions. Its pages feature trailing, meandering text, dates and gorgeous illustrations showing our five Aussie children at play, at school, at home, and enjoying their parts of Australia -- from the tropical north out to our rugged west and beautiful Tassie.

"This is a perfect book for young children, they will become fascinated with the colourful characters and their adventures." - Get Ahead Kids September Review

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An Aussie Year: Twelve months in the life of Australian kids (A Kids' Year) by Tania McCartney EPub

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