Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Great American Beer: 50 Brands That Shaped the 20th Century by Christopher B. O'Hara

Great American Beer: 50 Brands That Shaped the 20th Century by Christopher B. O'Hara

Great American Beer: 50 Brands That Shaped the 20th Century

Great American Beer: 50 Brands That Shaped the 20th Century by Christopher B. O'Hara PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Classic Beers of the Good Old Days

There was a time when one income could support a family, when American-made automobiles were the best on the market, when you could eat a steak without thinking of cholesterol, and when Milwaukee was the beer capital of the world. Back then, you drank beer—not lager, stout, or IPA—just plain old great American beer.

The ultimate guide to the classic brews and legendary brands of the past two centuries, Great American Beer is packed with full-color photos of beer memorabilia from the heyday of this country’s beer revolution and brief histories of fifty brands that left their mark on generations of beer drinkers. Infused with fact, lore, and an ample dose of tongue-in-cheek humor, Great American Beer lures you into the America where these legendary beers were born and rose to prominence as regional favorites. If you’re a beer drinker who knows that Schlitz offers “just the kiss of the hops” or who can recite the Budweiser Manifesto by heart, this book’s for you.

Test your knowledge of great American beers.

1. Which great American beer is considered “The Champagne of Beers”?

2. Which classic American brew is the “One beer to have when you’re having more than one”?

3. What was the favorite beer of Dennis Hopper’s homicidal Frank Booth character in the cult classic Blue Velvet?

The answers to these and other pressing questions about our country’s most timeless brands can only be found in . . . Great American Beer

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