Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads by Kristen E. Vincent, Max O. Vincent

Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads by Kristen E. Vincent, Max O. Vincent

Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads

Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads by Kristen E. Vincent, Max O. Vincent PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Yes, it’s really okay for Protestants to use prayer beads! Kristen and Max Vincent invite you to pray from your heart with these 28 devotions designed for use with prayer beads.

Another Bead, Another Prayer begins with a brief explanation of Protestant prayer beads for readers who are unfamiliar with them. The devotions are grouped by 4 types of prayer: praise, confession, intercession, and thanksgiving.

Other features include:

  • a Leader’s Guide
  • simple instructions for making prayer beads
  • tips for writing your own prayers

This is an excellent resource to help you concentrate in prayer and learn new ways to pray. Also a strong option for retreats.

Length of study: 4 to 12 weeks

Praise for Another Bead, Another Prayer

"Another Bead, Another Prayer is the second in what one can only hope will become a whole series of books for Protestants about prayer beads and their role as an enriching part of both spiritual formation and religious devotion. Even the complete novice will find here not only the prayers appointed to each set of beads but also, and blessedly, easy-to-follow, deeply pastoral guidance into both the practice and the prayers."; –Phyllis Tickle Compiler, The Divine Hours

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Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads by Kristen E. Vincent, Max O. Vincent EPub

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